Saturday, April 7, 2012

Andrew Bailey Contest/Giveaway

This is the first of many contests/giveaways I hope to hold on this blog! It is a simple contest-- guess when Andrew Bailey will play his first game as a Red Sox. You may also guess that he will be traded/waived before making an appearance.

Post your guesses as a comment below. Use your SCF username as your name. If you are not a member of SCF, you may join by clicking on the banner below!

The person who correctly guesses the date will win a lot of Andrew Bailey cards. In case of a tie, the person to have guessed first will win.

Good luck!


  1. Sweet contest, Andrew!

    SWOWannabe from SCF Forum, I'll start off the guessing! Lets go with Wednesday August 1st, 2012! They'll be @ Detroit and based on today's game they'll need all the help they can get to beat 'em!

  2. I'll guess July 28th, thanks for the contest! SCF name is jnt34

  3. i like fun contest like this. i think he will return on july 16th against the chicago white sox. my scf name is tk10775.

  4. August 3rd, SCF name is fitchjr1

  5. Boston plays Minn August 3rd. Hope he returns then - udeckcoll on SCF

  6. Boston plays Cleveland on August 11th Hopefully he'll be back at by then - srman77 on SCF

  7. August 12th - lastlastlast on scf

  8. ttmtrader101! August 1st!

  9. August 18th at Yankee Stadium. White Rabbit on scf

  10. August 6th...Mike13198 on SCF!

  11. mrfloridadude1 on scf
    hell be back july 27 @ yankees
